Commercial Transactions Law

All issues related to commercial law also known as business law, which is the law that is applied to businesses that operate in the commercial field as well as sales.

We specialize in this field, to provide all legal services related to this important investment sector.

In this regard, disputes related to companies include commercial contract disputes and everything related to them.

Building, construction and engineering works, as well as all types of real estate disputes related to the developer, owner or financier.

All disputes related to all forms of companies, such as a limited liability company, or individual companies, and related disputes between its members.

As well as disputes related to banks, and the legal issues associated with them, whether mortgages of all kinds or all kinds of loans and the liability resulting from them.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

It has become important for there to be alternative solutions to litigation, characterized by achievement, as well as saving effort, money and interest in resolving the conflict in the best way between the parties to the conflict.

Therefore, our team performs this task in serving our customers, through negotiations and trying to resolve and settle the dispute without resorting to the judiciary

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